Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Websites are like marriages ...

Sounds good, and tantalises with its prospects. It is easy to get into (like marriage) and costs surprisingly little upfront (unlike marriage). Then the hard work starts getting the thing designed, written, hosted, launched. Like getting a good marriage off the ground.
The moment is here. My site has launched and I now I set about trying to 'market' it - tell all and sundry to go and look at it and linger a while and perhaps even lure others to look at it too.
I love my business and now, its offspring, my website. I am grateful to the designer and developer who have brought me this far. Of course I'm not married to my site (and future pruning, adjusting or even separation is quite feasible). But it does feel revealingly personal and a little odd to be putting it out there for others to love or hate or to simply ignore.
I guess this is the next test. I've been doing this business for a while. Now I will have to open myself up to widespread critique, positive or negative. It's like marriage. Complete exposure.

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