Tuesday, January 4, 2011

5 positive things in 2011

It's day 5 of 2011 and, amidst news of political intrigue, terrorism, war, flooding, extreme snow, rain, temperatures and, in the case of Aussie cricket, extreme ineptitude, I felt like listing 5 positive things that have happened in my little world so far.

1. The sun in my eyes - after months of putting up with late afternoon sun coming in my office window and straight over my left shoulder, making my PC screen impossible to see, I moved the furniture around and am now facing the wall that used to be on my left side. The sun still comes in that window but the angle is different and I can now use the blinds to their fullest effect. (A bit like the cricketers I think... if you always do something the same way, you'll always get the same result.)

2. Use-by dates - the turn of the year is a great reminder that things are that much closer to being out of date. I went through the all-purpose cupboard above the fridge that housed assorted warranties, medicines, kids colouring and craft items that needed to be out of reach and long lost bits and bobs that were no longer relevant. Out they went!

3. When life hands you lemons - or rather overripe bananas. The batch of banana muffins that came out of the oven smelled and tasted all the better for having used fruit no longer good for eating raw.

4. Making the call - I heard from a friend prior to Christmas, and felt pangs of guilt that I had not kept in closer touch with her. I took note of her new address and phone number but days went by and I didn't call, being distracted and overloaded with many other things. Finally yesterday I did call, and left a message, and today spoke to her husband. He said that my friend was also feeling guilty, blaming herself for not staying in touch. I will call her again when she isn't working. She and I were each others' bridesmaids - not someone to lose touch with easily - and I look forward to laughing again with her soon.

5. Standing on my own two feet - or actually walking. It seems like a long time since I walked anywhere by choice (not counting shopping centres of course). The kids took the scooters they got for Christmas, donned the elbow, knee and "head" pads (as one of my girls calls them), and set off with me in search of a new playground and a purveyor of drinkable coffee.

Thanks for reading. Happy 2011. Here's to 5 positive things in your life.

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