Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Website?

Of course that title should be spoken in one's best Lady Brackenhurst accent cf. A Handbag????? I think websites are like handbags - containing all the things that are important, and many that aren't, stylishly designed and glossy but inside filled with lint and old lolly wrappers. Occasionally they need updating but mostly just need a good tidy out. They almost always are too full making it hard to find what you need when you need it. They might have special pockets but you end up just stuffing things in anywhere.

I'm currently going through the process of having my first handbag, I mean website, developed by a design/developer team. The designer is a former client and, I suspect, a friend, if we actually got the time and opportunity to catch up. It's an exciting process though I know that soon I will have to start finalising words - which will involve dealing with my most difficult client - me.

As I think about the way I want the website to work, I find myself wishing in some ways that it was a handbag which can really only be opened from one direction. A website is open to the world from all sides and we can never be sure how a visitor to the site will approach.

Actually, that reminds me, I might put handbag on my Christmas list. I could do with a new one of those...

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